DAY 68: This is going to be a short sweet blog because what God reminded me of requires few words, and was punctuated by all that I have read in the news of late. You may not have seen it in the mainstream media reports but just this past Sunday, rockets were once again fired at Israel by her enemies. This time no one died, but it is yet another reminder that world forces line up against God's chosen people. Iran continues to threaten to wipe Israel from the face of the earth and with it's advances in nuclear weapons its boasts become more real. Middle East nations continue to cut their remaining diplomatic ties with Israel, and with every Arab Spring, Israel's peace becomes more tenuous, not less. Such turmoil brings to life the words of Jesus I have been reading in Mark about the signs of the end of the age. So, too, does it animate the warning of the book of Revelations that such catastrophic conflicts are certain to come, though the time is not cer...