I am thankful (you are united in the goal of praying for my freedom). It is through your prayers and the Grace of God that the Lord is using me here in my chains. Many have been freed from the chains of Satan here and have been saved and added to the Church.
Now, how beautiful it will be if the Church would be united and fight for the salvation of the world whose life is in danger and who are bound in chains of Satan and to fight for the salvation of the world, a world that is heading to the way of destruction. With the same passion and the same way that you are praying and fighting for my freedom, we need to be praying and fighting for the salvation of the world.
Tortured. Isolated. Captive. Condemned. Pastor Saeed has not abandoned his calling in Christ - to be His witness to the uttermost parts of the world, even in the darkest deepest hole in Iran's worst prison. Every day is still a day to live for Christ - his circumstances have not changed that reality.
The same was true for Paul as his saga continued in our readings. Because of his commitment to the cause of making Christ known to the world, he too found himself cut off from the great work he had been doing, his life in the hands of others, his liberty and freedom denied. We left Paul as he was giving a defense of his ministry to a group of attackers who rioted as he was worshiping at the Temple.
His defense was a wonderful recap of the great work God had begun in Paul's life, from converting a man who used to hunt Christians into a man who became a hunter for Christ. He went from trying to stop the message that the Messiah had come to taking that "message everywhere, telling the whole world" that Jesus is Lord. (Acts 22:14) The crowd became even more incensed when he told them he was reaching beyond the Jews to preach to the Gentiles.
"Away with such a fellow! Kill him! He isn't fit to live!" Acts 22:22
The crowd became so aggressive that the Roman commander had to take control of the situation. He ordered Paul lashed with whips to make him confess whatever crime had riled the people up so furiously. It was only when Paul revealed he was a Roman citizen that he was spared. The commander tried one more time to sort out the conflict between Paul and the Jewish leaders who had stirred up the people. All that managed to do was cause the High Priest to want to slap Paul silly - literally. (Acts 23: 1-2)
"Ananias ordered those standing near Paul to strike him on the mouth. . . " In the end, "the shouting grew louder and louder and the men were tugging at Paul from both sides, pulling him this way and that. Finally, the commander, fearing they would tear him apart, ordered his soldiers to take Paul away from them and bring him back to the fortress." Acts 23:10
While the move probably saved Paul's life, it also began a process that would leave Paul isolated for months on end. To protect him from an assassination plot he was moved to the city of Caesarea to have his case heard by Governor Felix.
"Then the governor ordered him kept in the prison at Herod's headquarters." Acts 23:36
At his hearing, Paul denied being an insurrectionist; but he gladly admitted to be a follower of Jesus Christ. "Felix, who was quite familiar with the Way, adjourned the hearing" and postponed his verdict. Paul was kept in custody but was and allowed to have his friends visit to take care of his needs.
"Two years went by in this way..." (Acts 24:27)
FOR TWO YEARS Paul remained in limbo as Felix "considered" his case. That was a long time to be cut off from the vibrant ministry he was part of since trusting Christ. Now, instead of traveling from city to city, preaching the gospel, planting churches and encouraging believers, his circumstances left him isolated. So what did Paul do during this time of isolation? He put it to good use with whatever opportunities came his way...
Acts 24: 24"Felix came back with his wife, Drusilla, who was Jewish. Sending for Paul, they listened as he told them about faith in Christ Jesus. 25 As he reasoned with them about righteousness and self-control and the coming day of judgment, Felix became frightened. “Go away for now,” he replied. “When it is more convenient, I’ll call for you again.” 26 He also hoped that Paul would bribe him, so he sent for him quite often and talked with him." So he left him in prison until his successor, Festus, took over two years later.
If Paul couldn't preach the gospel wherever he wanted, he would preach where ever he was... for as long as he was. There was nothing humanly fair in Paul's imprisonment. It certainly didn't seem beneficial to the Kingdom of God, either. Yet, God allowed Paul to be cut off and isolated by his circumstances from the life that he knew.
Remarkably, Paul did not take that as his license to quit being Paul, a unique person with a unique mission from God. If Paul couldn't go out to preach, then he preached to any that came to him. No matter his circumstances, he let whatever freedom he did have ring out, doing great spiritual work through prayer, preaching and encouraging any who came close.
I'm inspired by Paul's imprisonment not to let circumstances determine my purpose.
The freedom to follow Christ and do God's will are not about location, ministry, job, or circumstances. It's about choice. Just ask my dad. He was diagnosed with cancer last summer and continues the fight now, a year later. Once we got over the shock and the news settled in, he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "I just want to go through this in a way that will be a good example to the grand kids and to anyone else I meet."
Our circumstance may change the way we follow Christ, but it should change THAT we follow Him. Our work may look different than the work we are used to doing, but it can none the less be great... maybe even greater than before! Cancer will not cause my dad stop being free to be who God created him to be or stop him from doing the work God created him to complete. It did not stop Paul. It has not stopped Pastor Saeed. Is it stopping you?
God can be trusted to take any situation, and give us the freedom we need in it to continue serving Him faithfully, powerfully and with grace in Christ. That is freedom worth celebrating - so LET YOUR FREEDOM RING RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!!
Day 145 365
2 Kings 24-25
Acts 22 -24
Psalm 2-4
Proverbs 18:13-18
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