DAY 172: Are you ready to pick up our “list of lessons” we began yesterday as we watched young King Hezekiah face his first big trial?  If you recall, up to this point, the good King had made it his practice to “do what was right in the sight of the Lord.”  Like everyone, he had the choice to be unfaithful, to go his own way, and to seek after his own desires.  But instead, Hezekiah chose a life of faithfulness as a servant of the Living God.  He knew the Word and Law of God and it was his pleasure to not only worship, follow and obey God, but as the leader, to also encourage faithfulness among the people. 

Yet, for all his good choices, trials and difficulties came his way.  Rather than throwing up his hands and deciding “being good” just wasn’t worth it if he was still going to face troubles, Hezekiah  doubled-down on his faithfulness.  In that, there are lessons for us.  The most obvious is that life as one of God’s children is no guarantee that hardship, pain and suffering won’t come your way.  Indeed, Jesus said it would be just the opposite for his followers stating; “in this world you will have trouble” and “the world hated me; it will also hate you.”  Hundreds of years earlier, Hezekiah experienced that and today, we do too. 

So how do we live in the midst of the hard times? Instead of wasting out time grumbling, we can learn the lesson’s from Hezekiah’s example.  (If you haven’t read yesterday’s post, back up a day and then pick up again here.)

Yesterday we reviewed the first 5 lessons.  Here are numbers 6-10.

LESSON 6:  Don’t overreact.  V 18The Assyrian officials…shouted (threats)…to the people gathered on the walls of the city, trying to terrify them so it would be easier to capture the city.” Hezekiah made of point of not responding to the Assyrians as the taunted and tried to terrify the people.  Instead, Hezekiah believed the words he has just spoken to his leaders: “they are merely men.  We have the Lord our God to help us…”  Fear is a more powerful foe than any human being and Hezekiah did not let fear take hold and lead him to overreact and panic.
            Where has fear gotten a foothold in your heart that could be cast out by remembering that “there is a power greater” on your side?

LESSON 7: ASK FOR HELP. V20 “Then King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah…cried out in prayer to God in Heaven.”  By now, Hezekiah had fortified wall, weapons and a willing army; yet he knew He needed God’s help to find victory in his situation.  It wasn’t a lack of confidence, or fear or desperation that caused him to turn to God in prayer; it was an abundance of faith that God was willing and wanting to come to his aid.
            Have you asked God to come to your aid? 

LESSON 8: LEAVE ROOM FOR GOD TO WORK.  V21And the Lord sent an angel who destroyed the Assyrian army with all its commanders and officers. So Sennacherib was forced to return home in disgrace to his own land.  And when he entered the temple of his god, some of his own sons killed him there with a sword.  V22That is how the Lord rescued Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem…”  Hezekiah did everything right and logical to prepare to battle his enemy; but he also left room for God to lead the way.  In this case, he stood back and watched the deliverance of the Lord come in a most unexpected way. 
            Have you been so through in making your Plan A, B and C to solve your problems that you have not invited or left room for God to work?

LESSON 9: Humility is the only appropriate response in overcoming trials.  After God delivered Hezekiah and his people, the King “became highly respected among all the surrounding nations and many gifts for the Lord arrived at Jerusalem, with valuable presents for King Hezekiah, too.” In this time of great celebration God saw an enemy creeping up on Hezekiah, one more dangerous than invading armies. This enemy was within… and God acted to reveal it before Hezekiah was even aware he was at risk.  V24 About that time Hezekiah became deathly ill.”  Again he turned his eyes off himself and back to God. V24 He prayed to the Lord, who healed him and gave him a miraculous sign.”  Yet, the enemy within grew. “V25 But Hezekiah did not respond appropriately to the kindness shown him and HE BECAME PROUD.” God had seen the proud taking hold but it took yet another trial for it to blossom for the whole world to see.
            How can you guard against pride as you find victory in your trial?

LESSON 10: Faithfulness is just one choice away. When Hezekiah allowed his pride to grow, “the Lord’s anger came against him and against Judah and Jerusalem.”  What began as humble man seeking God’s favor, turned into a man who thought he deserved God’s favor.  Yet faithfulness wins out in Hezekiah’s heart as God patiently deals with him. “Then Hezekiah humbled himself and repented of His pride…”  Faithful people can act unfaithfully.  The temptation will always exist.  But so too, does the opportunity to choose to be a faithful servant and child of the True and Living God.
            What ONE CHOICE can you make today that will put you back on the path of faithfulness?  

Doing what is right comes with only one guarantee: it is the right thing to do. Practicing faithfulness now is the best way to prepare to be faithful when the trials and tribulations come our way. 

365 Reading of the Day:
2 Chronicles 32-34
Romans 16:10-27
Psalm 26:1-12
Proverbs 20:19


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