DAY 8: Okay, one more Bailey story... Not only is my 21-year-old son a natural born actor, he likes drama in life in general.  He particularly thinks its entertaining to spar with his equally strong headed mother.  Our good-natured exchanges usually end with a game to see who will get the last word.  We've been known to go on for a while until one of us manages to spit out the last retort and retreat from the room before a reply can echo.  He's pretty quick, but on occasion, my voice is the last one heard on a topic.

As I detoured from my regular reading today into the book of Hebrews to prepare for a Bible lesson, I discovered that the ultimate LAST WORD has already been spoken.  In the first chapter of this "book of better things" the writer makes clear that on the subject that matters most in all the universe, there is nothing left to add.

HEBREWS 1:  1 In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son..."  

As I read these words, all the stories that I have learned through the years from the record of God speaking to mankind came to my mind. He spoke to Abram as an Angel.  He spoke to Moses in a bush.  He spoke through a donkey, in a cloud, in the whirlwind.  He revealed Himself and His unfolding plan in various ways through various people... and then He spoke through Christ, His only Son.  Christ, in the last days, is His last word on the redemption of His beloved creation, man.    

Every time I am tempted to believe that God is waiting for me to "get it right" before He will say, Come, I forget that He already spoke the last word on the subject of my salvation: that Word was Jesus.  He knew I would want to add my own say-so to how I could fix the messes I've made, but He warns where that will lead.

HEBREWS 2: 1 We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. 
I don't want to drift from the One who can "cleanse us from the stain of sin."  I want to stay close and hear again that last word, the word that will echo for all eternity:  Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.

Share your insights from the places you are meeting God in His word.  Or post your thoughts on our facebook page: HERE

And tune in every Sunday night for a live God-conversation at at 7pm CST.  Just click the LISTEN LIVE link on the top of that web page.  

Day 8 of 365
Genesis 18:16-33
Genesis 19
Matthew 6:25-34
Matthew 7:1-14
Psalm 8:1-9
Proverbs 2:6-15


  1. I am so glad that I am doing the Read the Bible in a Year. I tried one year and missed a lot of days. Using Bible Gateway and using the audio to read along with really helps me stay focused.

    In today's reading 1/9/12 28

    Matthew 7 When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, 29 because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law.

    I would have loved to hear that in person.


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