DAY 30: It is really frustrating when someone says they will do something but never do it; odder still how easy it is to come to expect people NOT to do what they say.  This happens all too often in the context of our families.  Raising kids, this was a never ending battle.

I never wanted my kids to feel that they lived in a hotel and that things would just magically get done for them.  I did not clean their rooms.  I did not pick up their laundry off the floor.  They were expected to handle their own messes.  They were also expected to help with the family messes, but I was never great at maintaining "THE CHORE CHART" like so many other moms I knew.  Life always seemed to interrupt my scheduling, so I adopted a more random system.  If something needed to be done, I would just ask my kids to do it.

"Chase, can you pick up the trash the dogs drug out please?"
"Hannah, we are out of towels so would you wash a load when you get home?"
"Bailey, the lawn is looking like a jungle.  Would you come home after school and mow?"
"Michael, the dishes are piling up.  Would you load the dishwasher before I get home?"

The answer was always, "Yes."  Unfortunately, the follow through was not always there.  The reason I most often got for the request being unfulfilled was a common one for teens in particular:  I forgot.  But I never forgot that I asked for their help.  To the day the last child moved out for college, I was still trying to think of ways to help them remember to do what I asked and what they said they would do. I wanted their memory to be as good as mine.

How odd it was when I opened up the Bible today to discover that my memory is not as good as I thought.  As I was reading Psalm 25, I discovered a little note that I had written exactly one year ago as a prayer to God.  A prayer I had forgotten all about.

Psalm 25: 
3 No one who hopes in you
   will ever be put to shame,
but shame will come on those
   who are treacherous without cause. 

  15 My eyes are always on the LORD,
      for he rescues me from the traps of my enemies. 

Last year as I read those words, I thought of a dear friend who was dealing with someone who acted toward her in a way that was "treacherous without cause" and seemed to be laying "traps" for her.  I also knew my friend is one who "hopes" in the Lord.  So I asked God not to allow her to be "put to shame" but instead allow that shame to fall on the one who behaved toward her "treacherous without cause."  Now comes the embarrassing part.  After praying a few days about that specific request, I forgot I had even asked until I saw my little note a year later.  Wait, I'm the requester - aren't I suppose to be the one who remember and then expects to see a response?  Usually it is the one you need something from who often forgets your request.

What a wonderful reminder I had today that God does not forget when we come to Him for help.  One year later as I see that very specific request for rescue, I realize that God did exactly what His word says He is able to do - He literally brought the shame on my friend's false accuser and rescued her from the traps being set. Her accuser is out of the picture completely with her own folly exposed.  I should have expected it.

My lesson today is not that God does whatever I ask; God does what HE wants.  My lesson is that I should be waiting EXPECTANTLY when I seek God's help. He will never forget when I come to Him and I should never forget either.

God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:19

I would do well to remember that and wait EXPECTANTLY ON THE LORD.

How are you waiting expectantly?

Day 30 of 365s with God: What are you reading?
Exodus 10
Exodus 11
Exodus 12:1-13
Matthew 20:1-28
Psalm 25:1-15
Proverbs 6:6-11


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