DAY 71 and it's the book of Luke: The retelling of the arrival of the Messiah begins again, this time from the investigative notes of Luke, the doctor who was a companion of Paul.  His "careful summary" begins with the explanation that he himself had diligently followed up on all the reports of Jesus' life that were circulating and included what he could definitively confirm.

I know a few doctors, and I think it is safe to say that they are generally good with details, and facts - even if not always bedside manner.  They are far more concerned with getting it right than anything else - even worrying about your feelings.  Perhaps not the quality you want in a best friend, but highly desirable when someone is dealing with life and death information.  As I read through Luke, I hope to keep in mind that God used a doctor to record the details of this summary, remembering that every fact he included he must have considered crucial.

That being said, the first thing I take note of is that Luke tells a story none of the other Gospel writers tell.  He begins his important investigation at the home of an elderly couple. He included them so he must have seen it as a vital piece of information in this life and death story he was documenting.

So what did he tell:
Their names were Zechariah (Yahweh remembers) and Elizabeth (the oath of God).
They were both from the priestly line of Aaron, and Zechariah too, was a servant in the temple.
They were both upright in the sight of the Lord.
They had no children.

If anyone else had told that story they might have left out that little detail about being upright with the Lord.  Outward evidence might suggest otherwise as those who were barren were often assumed to have displeased God.  Not so with Elizabeth.  They were both faithful to God.  Appearances can be deceiving (that might be a lesson).

What else:
Zechariah goes to the temple for a once in a lifetime chance to light the alter of incense.
A crowd is outside praying.
An angel appears to Zechariah with news he will be a father in answer to his prayers.
 and the baby would be named John.
The child will have the spirit of Elijah, live differently than others, and prepare hearts for the Lord. 
He would precede the coming of the Lord.

If we think that is information overload, imagine how Zechariah must have felt.  What was more shocking?  The angel? The news he would be a father - in his 80s!!? Or that the coming of the Lord was near?  He chooses to focus on the daddy thing first.

v 18: Zechariah said to the angel, "How can I know this will happen?  I'm an old man and my wife is also well advanced in years."

As a women, it is not lost on me that he called himself OLD but his wife was merely ADVANCED IN YEARS.  Clearly Luke also had a sense of humor to be so specific about his reply.  But the angel wasn't laughing and sternly rebuked Zechariah for "not believing' the good news. 

Zechariah is struck mute until the baby comes.
The arrival time is predicted as "the proper time."
Zechariah stays at the temple until his service ended.
He went home to Elizabeth.
Elizabeth became pregnant. 

I must tell you that as I look at each fact along the way, I can think of lessons that apply to me from many of them.  For instance, God calls me to live uprightly for Him no matter what else is happening in my life.  My reputation is in His hands. Like Elizabeth, I can trust Him with it. There is also the big lesson about believing God is able to do the impossible  -and many others lessons in between.

However, the little detail that catches my heart the most is a small thing that Luke tells about Elizabeth, who joins the story in a personal way after Zechariah gets home.

24 After this his wife Elizabeth became pregnant and for five months remained in seclusion. 25 “The Lord has done this for me,” she said. “In these days he has shown his favor and taken away my disgrace among the people.” 

What she doesn't say when she finds out she is FINALLY PREGNANT speaks volumes.  She didn't say: It's about time.  She didn't say: I'm 80; you've got to be kidding me. She didn't go running all over town saying: See, I told you God wasn't punishing me.  Instead, in the solitude of her own heart she treasured the gift God brought into her life - timing and all.  She simply declares: THE LORD HAS DONE THIS FOR ME.

God had a big agenda in mind for John. God had a big agenda in mind for Israel and all mankind.  BUT, this kindly old woman knew the character of her God.  Despite His big plans, God cared greatly for his daughter, Elizabeth.

He worked the desires of her heart, 
the greatness of His plan, 
and the perfection of His timing together 
and delighted His daughter.  

LESSON FOR ME:  I may not get what I want when I want it.  Things may not work out in ways that seem fair.  I can trust the character of God and the rock solid reality that I am important to Him and He will "do for me" abundantly beyond anything I can ask or imagine... when it will also bring Him the most glory. 

I'm so glad I didn't miss this detail of this faithful woman's life. She may have been John's mom to the world, but today she is my mentor.  The details really do matter.

 Day 71 of 365
Numbers 19
Numbers 20
Luke 1:1-25
Psalm 56:1-13
Proverbs 11:8


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