DAY 89:  A couple of times a year, the country goes crazy for one of those Mega Million that reach a potential astronomical payoff.  Not long ago the prize hit over $640 million.  People everywhere were believing "it could happen" to them. 

Some of my own family were dreaming of what they would do when their winning numbers were called.  My sister outlined the principals by which she would help her family.  Basically, as long as everyone stayed employed they would get a piece of the pie. "Nothing good would come from handing my kids something they didn't have to work for," she insisted. She, on the other hand, would be employed with the full time occupation of giving money away - after she built a new house, bought a new car and took a trip.  Oh, and bought a boat.  Her goal in handling her vast fortune would be a balance between luxury and philanthropy.

I had to laugh at my mom.  She strategically put her one lottery ticket in a special pocket in her purse. She explained later, "If I died before the drawing I knew you would never think to look around just in case I bought a ticket, but I knew you would go through my purse when it was time to settle my affairs."  Thanks mom! She's always looking out for us.

My oldest son also bought a ticket.  That night, he and his fiance shared their plan for the millions.  Basically it amounted to denying themselves no good thing.  They had big plans - but also planned to make sure the family was set for life.  My son did pause to note that he had no idea what our church would do with the huge amount of tithe that their 10% represented.  Somewhat ironic since he had no difficulty imagining what he would do with his 90%.  They had fun imagining "what if" and I had no desire to burst their bubble... reality would do that soon enough.  And that is exactly what happened.  No one in my family - or state for that matter- chose the winning combination.  Everyone would have to go on living on what they could earn.

What a contrast that day was to the three days I spent earlier that week working at a radio station Sharathon event.  As an on-air host, it was my job to share with listeners the financial needs of the station, as well as remind them of the powerful ministry of Christian radio.  Twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year the light of Jesus Christ is shined in our community through the music and messages broadcast freely.  No one is sent a bill. No one has to pay to play.  The ministry is supported voluntarily by listeners.

My favorite part of the experience is always the stories that donors tell when they call to give.  Here are some of my favorite listener comments from this week:

  • We are a single income family living month to month but we believe God has told us to give $20 month.  We aren't sure how we will do it but committed.
  • I don't have much money, but since I don't have to go to work next week I am giving the amount it would have cost me for gas to drive everyday.
  • I don't know where the money will come from, but I believe I'm suppose to give $30 so I am calling to give it. (She called back an hour later to say her husband put on a pair of jeans and found $100 in the pocket.)
  • We called yesterday to give a $30 a month gift, but after we talked about it as a family we wanted to give $100 right now, too. 
  • My husband does not have a job but God said we should commit to a monthly gift so we are trusting him to provide.  (She called back that afternoon to say that he had gotten a job!)
I love those stories!  And there are dozens more from people who had little but knew exactly what they wanted their money to accomplish. In a week when the whole country was dreaming about getting rich, 422 people gave to keep a Christian radio station on the air because they were trying to gain something different.  I think the passage I read in Luke 9 today explained that difference.

Luke 9: 23-25  Then (Jesus) said to the crowd, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me.  If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it.  But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed?"

I noticed that Jesus did not say to be He picked unselfish people to be His follows.  He said, "you must turn from your selfish ways."  He knows we are selfish.  Our first instinct will always be to look out for number one. He knows that our tendency will be to horde what we have, whether that is a little or a lot. Rich and poor alike are selfish.  He is very clear that to follow Him we will have to make the choice to turn from our many selfish ways -  and we will have to do it daily.  The stakes are high, much higher than any lotto.  But the payoff is a mega-million times better than anything this world can offer. You might not get rich, but you will find riches far better.

While money seems to make the world go around, I heard God remind me that it is never really about money.  It is always about my heart.

Day 89 of 365
Deuteronomy 16
Deuteronomy 17
Luke 9:7-27
Psalm 72:1-20
Proverbs 12:8-9


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