DAY 91: Today I can completely relate to the disciples of Jesus on a new level as I discovered we have had a common experience.  I discovered our kindred connection in Luke chapter 10.

With time drawing to a close as Jesus set his face resolutely toward His redeeming purpose in Jerusalem, His work was far from over.

1: The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit.

As He commissioned these new followers, He gave them very specific instruction about what to do and how to behave.  After all, they would be representing Him.  Anyone who has children knows how that goes.  When your kids head to a friend's house, either other parents are thrilled or they can't wait for your kid to go home - and it is always a reflection on you!   Well, Jesus had some very definite ideas about how His disciples were to conduct themselves.

He told them not to take money with them, or a bag, or extra clothes or shoes.  They were not suppose to stop to talk along the way.  The were to give a blessing of peace if they entered the house (one that wouldn't stick if it was a contentious house). And in each town, they were to stay as a guest in just one house.  They were also to specifically give the message, "The Kingdom of God is near you now."

Okay, here comes the part that I can really relate to:

7Stay in one place, eating and drinking what they provide. Don’t hesitate to accept hospitality, because those who work deserve their pay. “If you enter a town and it welcomes you, eat whatever is set before you.

If any of them were picky eaters like me, the greatest challenge would be Jesus' command to "eat whatever is set before you."  Call it over-indulgence if you must, but I am thankful that my mom didn't make me eat things I didn't like when I was a kid - even if they were just things I didn't think I would like. Oh the battles it saved; unfortunately the result was that I reached adulthood with a very limited pallet.  I never tasted a strawberry until I was 18.  I didn't try Chinese food until I was 21. I discovered mushrooms at 30.  Now, with grown children, there is still a list a mile long of things I don't think I like, and in fact, have never tried.  But like the disciples, Jesus has sent me out into the same home over and over to represent Him; and I have had no choice but to eat what is set before me.  
Every Tuesday night I arrive at my friend Susan's house to co-lead a bible study with college girls.  In an effort to speak their love language we decided that we would always serve a meal before we jump into the lesson.  Susan has a real heart for hospitality and loves to have us into her home, so we meet there every single week to love girls and study the Bible.  And every week SUSAN cooks.  I contribute things like bread and salad and crackers.  It's not that I am unwilling to cook the meal, it's just that Susan really loves to create special dishes and serve them as her gift to us.  Our part is just to eat and enjoy the blessing.  

It didn't take long for Susan to discover my stunted pallet. Week after week as she set a plate before me and I would ask, "What's that?"    Her stunned response would always be the same, "You're kidding?  You've never had (fill in the blank)."  Remembering that I was setting an example for young ladies, and wanting to validate my friend, I always answer, "No, but I'll try it." 

Some of the dishes that were "set before me" that I had never eaten were: asparagus, okra, baked fish, fried pickles, buttermilk pie, calzone, gluten-free bread sticks, and peach cobbler. There was only one dish that put dread in my heart when I heard the menu - congealed salad. That sounded just awful.  I couldn't even imagine eating salad that had been congealed  - but I knew I would have to.  What a relief to arrive and find out that congealed salad was just Susan's way of saying "Jello salad." 

 I'm going to admit that I did not love everything.  I got the fish down, but it was still fish.  And about okra -it's just wrong for vegetables to be stringy.  On the other hand, I was shocked that I liked the asparagus, and I probably eight seven rice bread sticks. Inspired by my bravery, Susan thinks that next week I'll be ready to try grits.

I wonder if the disciples ever got grits.  And why was it important for them to eat what was served, and follow all Jesus' other instructions.  It was for the same reason that making people a priority is important for me: because Jesus usually sent his followers to people who "he planned to visit."  Jesus used them to prepare the way for when He would arrive.  They were sent ahead to lay the groundwork for the work HE would do in their hearts and lives.  

I am not always patient with people because like most, I am often too focused on my own agenda.  This passage today, reminded me that the encounters I have day in and day out are not random.  If God ordains my steps, then I have to believe "he sent (ME) ahead ... to all the towns and places he plan(s) to visit." I can't afford to be picky about who I will be patient and kind to; or who I will serve; or who I will love; or who I will forgive.  It's likely that Jesus is planning a visit to that person's life and I need to make sure that the message they get from my advance visit to their life is loud and clear, in both in word and deed  : THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NEAR TO YOU.

I am thankful to be reminded that
 I am just there to warm up the crowd.  

Leave a comment about your journey.   

Day 91 of 365
Deuteronomy 21
Deuteronomy 22
Luke 9:57-62
Luke 10:1-12
Psalm 74:1-23
Proverbs 12:11


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