DAY 106, 107,108: JUDGES 1-5 Not long ago I spent the weekend babysitting my oldest son's dogs while he took a short trip out of town. I am always entertained when Tupper and Bernie come to visit. Tupper is a Great Pyrenees/Chow mix and Bernie is a cross between a Chihuahua and a dachshund (officially a Cha-weenie). Just think "Mutt and Jeff" - and they are best buddies. In fact, they spend so much time together, they are starting to rub off on each other. Tupper, who is every bit of 100 pounds but desperately wants to be a lap dog like little Bernie, is always trying to climb in our laps. Bernie, on the other hand - all of 6 pounds, tries to imitate his larger companion and charges after much larger dogs to claim his territory.
Nothing, however, is as fun to watch as when the two of them start a game of chase. Bernie usually starts the action by running in front of Tupper and assuming the waggle position. With his nose to the ground and his hind-end in the air, the message is clear: COME AND GET ME! With that, he is off - through the living room, down the hall, through my office and into my bedroom. With all the doors open they can make a complete circle, like an indy track for dogs.
Around and around they go - little Bernie speeding by and big Tupper plodding behind him. At first Tupper is close on his trail going around and around. Before long though, the gap widens as the big fellow slows down a bit. Bernie, though, is like Speedy Gonzales, and just keeps whipping past. It only takes a few turns before Bernie is coming up on Tupper's tail, so wisely the little guy changes directions and Tupper is soon running behind him again. Of course, there is never a winner. They just play until Bernie is worn out and Tupper is slobbering everywhere. At that point, it's impossible to tell who was really chasing whom - with the only result being doggie exhaustion.
I thought of their little game as our daily Bible reading turned to the book of Judges. This time in Israel's history also seems to be about a never ending chase. Joshua, God's appointed leader who followed Moses and led the people into the Promised land, at the age of 110 was gathered to his ancestors (he died). Joshua and his generation had been faithful.
"And the Israelite served the Lord throughout the life-time of Joshua and the leaders who outlived him -those who had seen all the great things the Lord had done for Israel." Joshua 24:31
It was time for the next generation to assume the mantel of responsibility. The first order of business was to continue to conquer the land and drive out all the peoples who had occupied it - according to the Lord's command. Unfortunately, most of the tribes only partially obeyed. While they did conquer many of their enemies, chasing some out and killing many others, they did not drive them ALL out. Many foreigners stayed in the land and intermingled with God's chosen people whom He meant to be separate. Instead, Israel took the easier route and decided to learn to co-exist.
Since they did not obey God, God used their disobedience.
Judges 3:3 These are the nations that the Lord left in the land to test those Israelites who had not experienced the wars of Canaan. 2 He did this to teach warfare to generations of Israelites who had no experience in battle.
God used these remnant enemies to TEST and to TEACH Israel. Sadly, they were poor students and gave in to the influences around them.
Judges 2:11 The Israelites did evil in the Lord’s sight and served the images of Baal. 12 They abandoned the Lord, the God of their ancestors, who had brought them out of Egypt. They chased after other gods, worshiping the gods of the people around them.
LET THE CHASE BEGIN! Time and time again Israel decided to chase after other gods. In response God let the enemies chase after them. You need a scorecard to see who is chasing who.
Judges 2:14 This made the Lord burn with anger against Israel, so he handed them over to raiders who stole their possessions. He turned them over to their enemies all around, and they were no longer able to resist them. 15 Every time Israel went out to battle, the Lord fought against them, causing them to be defeated, just as he had warned. And the people were in great distress.
So while they are chasing false gods, their enemies are permitted to chase them. And just like Bernie, at some point they would see the wisdom of changing directions for the sake of safety. Then, they would cry out to God for help. God, in His gracious response would send them a rescuer.
Judges 2:18 Whenever the Lord raised up a judge over Israel, he was with that judge and rescued the people from their enemies throughout the judge’s lifetime. For the Lord took pity on his people, who were burdened by oppression and suffering. 19 But when the judge died, the people returned to their corrupt ways, behaving worse than those who had lived before them. They went after other gods, serving and worshiping them. And they refused to give up their evil practices and stubborn ways.
It would take going around and around to learn the lessons God had for them. Over and over they would chase after the gods of this world, until in despair they changed direction. Going the right way, they could look and see that instead of an enemy hot on their trail, it was God lovingly pursuing them.
Which direction the chase took was completely up to them! They could keep chasing the very thing that would eventually destroy them, or they could run in the direction of obedience in which case they would discover that "blessings chase the righteous" (Proverbs 13:20)
I'm motivated today to stop and really look at what I am chasing after. Are there influences in my life that are enticing me to run toward the worldly things and away from God's plans and purposes? The answer is a big fat YES! But like Israel, (and Bernie) the direction of the chase is completely up to me- and to you.
We can change directions ANY TIME so the blessings of obeying God can start chasing me.
(If you haven't had a chance to read the story of the Judges God raised up, grab a cup of coffee and take the time. It is better than a action novel and has women heroes as well as men. The book of Judges is exciting and inspiring reading!)
Day 106
Judges 1
Judges 2:1-9
Luke 21:29-38
Luke 22:1-13
Psalm 90
Psalm 91:1-16
Proverbs 13:24-25
Day 107
Judges 2:10-23
Judges 3
Luke 22:14-34
Psalm 92
Psalm 93:1-5
Proverbs 14:1-2
Day 108
Judges 4
Judges 5
Luke 22:35-53
Psalm 94:1-23
Proverbs 14:3-4

Around and around they go - little Bernie speeding by and big Tupper plodding behind him. At first Tupper is close on his trail going around and around. Before long though, the gap widens as the big fellow slows down a bit. Bernie, though, is like Speedy Gonzales, and just keeps whipping past. It only takes a few turns before Bernie is coming up on Tupper's tail, so wisely the little guy changes directions and Tupper is soon running behind him again. Of course, there is never a winner. They just play until Bernie is worn out and Tupper is slobbering everywhere. At that point, it's impossible to tell who was really chasing whom - with the only result being doggie exhaustion.
I thought of their little game as our daily Bible reading turned to the book of Judges. This time in Israel's history also seems to be about a never ending chase. Joshua, God's appointed leader who followed Moses and led the people into the Promised land, at the age of 110 was gathered to his ancestors (he died). Joshua and his generation had been faithful.
"And the Israelite served the Lord throughout the life-time of Joshua and the leaders who outlived him -those who had seen all the great things the Lord had done for Israel." Joshua 24:31
It was time for the next generation to assume the mantel of responsibility. The first order of business was to continue to conquer the land and drive out all the peoples who had occupied it - according to the Lord's command. Unfortunately, most of the tribes only partially obeyed. While they did conquer many of their enemies, chasing some out and killing many others, they did not drive them ALL out. Many foreigners stayed in the land and intermingled with God's chosen people whom He meant to be separate. Instead, Israel took the easier route and decided to learn to co-exist.
Since they did not obey God, God used their disobedience.
Judges 3:3 These are the nations that the Lord left in the land to test those Israelites who had not experienced the wars of Canaan. 2 He did this to teach warfare to generations of Israelites who had no experience in battle.
God used these remnant enemies to TEST and to TEACH Israel. Sadly, they were poor students and gave in to the influences around them.
Judges 2:11 The Israelites did evil in the Lord’s sight and served the images of Baal. 12 They abandoned the Lord, the God of their ancestors, who had brought them out of Egypt. They chased after other gods, worshiping the gods of the people around them.
LET THE CHASE BEGIN! Time and time again Israel decided to chase after other gods. In response God let the enemies chase after them. You need a scorecard to see who is chasing who.
Judges 2:14 This made the Lord burn with anger against Israel, so he handed them over to raiders who stole their possessions. He turned them over to their enemies all around, and they were no longer able to resist them. 15 Every time Israel went out to battle, the Lord fought against them, causing them to be defeated, just as he had warned. And the people were in great distress.
So while they are chasing false gods, their enemies are permitted to chase them. And just like Bernie, at some point they would see the wisdom of changing directions for the sake of safety. Then, they would cry out to God for help. God, in His gracious response would send them a rescuer.
Judges 2:18 Whenever the Lord raised up a judge over Israel, he was with that judge and rescued the people from their enemies throughout the judge’s lifetime. For the Lord took pity on his people, who were burdened by oppression and suffering. 19 But when the judge died, the people returned to their corrupt ways, behaving worse than those who had lived before them. They went after other gods, serving and worshiping them. And they refused to give up their evil practices and stubborn ways.
It would take going around and around to learn the lessons God had for them. Over and over they would chase after the gods of this world, until in despair they changed direction. Going the right way, they could look and see that instead of an enemy hot on their trail, it was God lovingly pursuing them.
Which direction the chase took was completely up to them! They could keep chasing the very thing that would eventually destroy them, or they could run in the direction of obedience in which case they would discover that "blessings chase the righteous" (Proverbs 13:20)
I'm motivated today to stop and really look at what I am chasing after. Are there influences in my life that are enticing me to run toward the worldly things and away from God's plans and purposes? The answer is a big fat YES! But like Israel, (and Bernie) the direction of the chase is completely up to me- and to you.
We can change directions ANY TIME so the blessings of obeying God can start chasing me.
(If you haven't had a chance to read the story of the Judges God raised up, grab a cup of coffee and take the time. It is better than a action novel and has women heroes as well as men. The book of Judges is exciting and inspiring reading!)
Day 106
Judges 1
Judges 2:1-9
Luke 21:29-38
Luke 22:1-13
Psalm 90
Psalm 91:1-16
Proverbs 13:24-25
Day 107
Judges 2:10-23
Judges 3
Luke 22:14-34
Psalm 92
Psalm 93:1-5
Proverbs 14:1-2
Day 108
Judges 4
Judges 5
Luke 22:35-53
Psalm 94:1-23
Proverbs 14:3-4
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