DAY 90: My son was a baseball pitcher. He really loved the game. And of course, as a parent, I loved watching him do his thing. It was also very instructive, as I got to see another side of him when he was in the game that I don't see any other time - complete focus. When he steps onto the mound, nothing around him invades his world; he has on his game face. He doesn't see the crowd. He doesn't hear our cheers (or the jeers). He is in the zone. I will never forgot when his college team played power house Texas A&M. If you have ever been to an Aggie sporting event you will understand when I say they have the most obnoxious fans on the planet. I say that affectionately - after all, our other son is an Aggie. They don't just cheer for their team - they mercilessly taunt the opponent. All around us in the stands the crowd did what they do so well - with one voice they taunted our team. They had a cheer, or chant, or hand motion for EVERYT...