DAY 44: I have never been a fan of the saying, "The early bird gets the worm." I wouldn't want to be a bird. I don't even like worms. I have a real problem with early. I am a night owl. What do owls get for staying up late, that's what I want to know. You might have noticed that I always post this blog around midnight or later. That's because that is when my mind has fully awakened. It is also the time when the house is quiet. There are great things about being a night owl.
Let me enumerate the top 10.
10. There are few distractions because everyone else is asleep.
9. I can hear myself think.
8. I can have the TV remote to myself... even if infomercial are the only thing on.
7. I can raid the refrigerator without being judged.
6. There are no errands to run.
5. I can use all the hot water when I take a shower.
4. I can clean out my email inbox uninterrupted.
3.That's when the reruns of "Taxi" play.
2.My blogs always sound brilliant when I write and read them late at night.
AND the number one benefit to being a night owl...
1. I have an excuse to sleep late in the morning.
If I were a Debbie Downer, I would now list all the disadvantages of missing more in luie of night. But the whole "early bird and worm" scenario about sums it up, i.e. opportunities can be missed. I'm aware. And I hate to miss opportunities, but I've tried to be a morning girl. When I found out I was pregnant for the first time I practically panicked. I told my mom I didn't know how I could possibly manage a baby because I don't do mornings. She assured me that in no time, my body would adjust to my new life as a mom and I would become a morning person. I tried. I really did, but it has been 25 years now and I can say unequivocally - she was wrong!
As a mom, mornings were mandatory, but the best I could manage was enduring them as I consumed my equally mandatory pot of coffee. I am still enduring them. I may never be convinced that morning is the best time of day, but I do see the wisdom in applying the "early bird" theory to other areas of life. Particularly after reading today's scripture passage in Exodus 35 & 36.
Now that Moses had given all the instructions to Israel from the Lord, it was time to get to work. Moses started with inviting the people, all the people, to bring their gifts to supply all the needs for the construction of God's tabernacle.
Exodus 35:20 So the whole community of Israel left Moses and returned to their tents. 21 All whose hearts were stirred and whose spirits were moved came and brought their sacred offerings to the LORD. They brought all the materials needed for the Tabernacle, for the performance of its rituals, and for the sacred garments. 22 Both men and women came, all whose hearts were willing.
The response was overwhelming. Many people lined up immediately to bring everything that was needed. Some brought gold and silver and precious stones from their jewelry. Others donated their yarn, linen, wood, leather, and goats hair. There was nothing on the materials list that someone did not offer to God. Soon the work was underway, and "All the women who were willing used their skills to spin and weave..." And the men who were gifted craftsmen started their construction work. From the very first day, people and gifts poured in - from anyone "whose hearts were stirred" and from "all whose hearts were willing."
And then an amazing thing happened. Exodus 36:4 Finally the craftsmen who were working on the sanctuary left their work. 5 They went to Moses and reported, “The people have given more than enough materials to complete the job the LORD has commanded us to do!”
Incredible. Using those who were willing, the need was met so Moses made an announcement:
Can you just imagine the celebration! It would be even more joyous when the Tabernacle was actually complete. Oh the delight of knowing that your gift was part of seeing God's will done- at least for the early birds. I could not help but think about those who, for whatever reason, had not gotten around to giving their gifts and talents. Perhaps some were hesitant to let go of their possessions. Perhaps they were just procrastinators, or lazy. Perhaps they got distracted. Maybe they just needed more time to pray about it. Oh what must they have felt when they heard that they missed their opportunity to give at all. Maybe some were even in line when gifts stop being accepted, having finally decided to answer the call to give - but too late. I am sure there were some like that who did not give - otherwise I think scripture would have said "ALL THE PEOPLE" instead of pointing out that it was "ALL WHOSE HEARTS WERE WILLING." Those who wrestled with their willingness too long, were too late. The early birds got the blessing they missed.
I don't want to be found thinking about getting in line to give to God only to find out that He used the gifts of others because I took too long to be willing. When it comes to serving God with time or talent or treasure, I want to be the early bird who gets the blessing! If there is a line, I want to be in the front with an open heart and open hands.
Where are you in the line??
Day 44 of 365
Exodus 35:10-35
Exodus 36
Matthew 27:32-66
Psalm 34:1-10
Proverbs 9:7-8
10. There are few distractions because everyone else is asleep.
9. I can hear myself think.
8. I can have the TV remote to myself... even if infomercial are the only thing on.
7. I can raid the refrigerator without being judged.
6. There are no errands to run.
5. I can use all the hot water when I take a shower.
4. I can clean out my email inbox uninterrupted.
3.That's when the reruns of "Taxi" play.
2.My blogs always sound brilliant when I write and read them late at night.
AND the number one benefit to being a night owl...
1. I have an excuse to sleep late in the morning.
If I were a Debbie Downer, I would now list all the disadvantages of missing more in luie of night. But the whole "early bird and worm" scenario about sums it up, i.e. opportunities can be missed. I'm aware. And I hate to miss opportunities, but I've tried to be a morning girl. When I found out I was pregnant for the first time I practically panicked. I told my mom I didn't know how I could possibly manage a baby because I don't do mornings. She assured me that in no time, my body would adjust to my new life as a mom and I would become a morning person. I tried. I really did, but it has been 25 years now and I can say unequivocally - she was wrong!
As a mom, mornings were mandatory, but the best I could manage was enduring them as I consumed my equally mandatory pot of coffee. I am still enduring them. I may never be convinced that morning is the best time of day, but I do see the wisdom in applying the "early bird" theory to other areas of life. Particularly after reading today's scripture passage in Exodus 35 & 36.
Now that Moses had given all the instructions to Israel from the Lord, it was time to get to work. Moses started with inviting the people, all the people, to bring their gifts to supply all the needs for the construction of God's tabernacle.
Exodus 35:20 So the whole community of Israel left Moses and returned to their tents. 21 All whose hearts were stirred and whose spirits were moved came and brought their sacred offerings to the LORD. They brought all the materials needed for the Tabernacle, for the performance of its rituals, and for the sacred garments. 22 Both men and women came, all whose hearts were willing.
The response was overwhelming. Many people lined up immediately to bring everything that was needed. Some brought gold and silver and precious stones from their jewelry. Others donated their yarn, linen, wood, leather, and goats hair. There was nothing on the materials list that someone did not offer to God. Soon the work was underway, and "All the women who were willing used their skills to spin and weave..." And the men who were gifted craftsmen started their construction work. From the very first day, people and gifts poured in - from anyone "whose hearts were stirred" and from "all whose hearts were willing."
And then an amazing thing happened. Exodus 36:4 Finally the craftsmen who were working on the sanctuary left their work. 5 They went to Moses and reported, “The people have given more than enough materials to complete the job the LORD has commanded us to do!”
Incredible. Using those who were willing, the need was met so Moses made an announcement:
“Men and women, don’t prepare and bring any more gifts
for the sanctuary. We have enough!”
Can you just imagine the celebration! It would be even more joyous when the Tabernacle was actually complete. Oh the delight of knowing that your gift was part of seeing God's will done- at least for the early birds. I could not help but think about those who, for whatever reason, had not gotten around to giving their gifts and talents. Perhaps some were hesitant to let go of their possessions. Perhaps they were just procrastinators, or lazy. Perhaps they got distracted. Maybe they just needed more time to pray about it. Oh what must they have felt when they heard that they missed their opportunity to give at all. Maybe some were even in line when gifts stop being accepted, having finally decided to answer the call to give - but too late. I am sure there were some like that who did not give - otherwise I think scripture would have said "ALL THE PEOPLE" instead of pointing out that it was "ALL WHOSE HEARTS WERE WILLING." Those who wrestled with their willingness too long, were too late. The early birds got the blessing they missed.
I don't want to be found thinking about getting in line to give to God only to find out that He used the gifts of others because I took too long to be willing. When it comes to serving God with time or talent or treasure, I want to be the early bird who gets the blessing! If there is a line, I want to be in the front with an open heart and open hands.
Where are you in the line??
Day 44 of 365
Exodus 35:10-35
Exodus 36
Matthew 27:32-66
Psalm 34:1-10
Proverbs 9:7-8
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