DAY 38: A couple of years ago my husband staked me in some classes to learn the basics of stock trading.  With an eye toward eventual retirement, we felt we needed to be more strategic in trying to grow our little nest egg.  At first I was really enthusiastic about learning the ins and outs of options, day trading and long term investments.  The classes were very motivating. I had big dreams of big deals and retiring to the South of France.

But when I got home and real life took over, it became clear that it would take some real effort  to make the kinds of trade maneuvers I had just learned. Effort and guts! I just wasn't ready. Unfortunately, I only had access to the tools, resources and coaching in our education package for one year. 

You can guess what happened.  At the end of that year I had not made a single investment because I was afraid.  I was convinced I didn't know enough and would loose it all, so I did nothing.  Twelve months later there were then same number of eggs in our nest as when I began.  While it's true that I have a personal aversion to anything mathematical, the reality is I did know enough to make a few uncomplicated investments that would have at least yielded a modest gain. Instead, I let the year go by unprofitable. So much for my big dreams as a day trader.

I have tried to forget the whole episode since I failed to make us even one penny; but today my failure finally did yield a profit as God used it as an object lesson that mirrored an illustration Jesus gave about what the Kingdom of Heaven is like.

He told a story about a man who entrusted his three servants to care for his money while he was away on a trip.  Each servant received a different amount:

Matthew 25:  5 To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey.

The servant who had the biggest portfolio jumped right in and made great investments, doubling the original amount for the master.  The guy with two bags of gold "went right to work" as well and soon had four bags to show for his efforts.  And then there was the last servant, perhaps his name was also Kim because he didn't earn a plug nickle more for his master.  He just dug a hole to keep safe what the master gave him in the first place because he was afraid, too.  

Remember, this is an illustration about the Kingdom of Heaven.  So what did the "master" think about how the servants cared for their responsibilities.  To the first and second servant, He gave the exact same response: 

23 ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a small amount; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

Even though one started with a greater amount because of his abilities and ended with more than double the profit, they both received full approval because they were faithful to use wisely what was given. It may have something to do with that fact that in the master's eyes, 2 bags, 5bags or 500 bags of gold compared to his vast wealth was a small amount.  The point was not the profit margin, but the faithfulness with what they had been given.  

But to the one who also started with a "small amount" yet did nothing with it, the response was harsh indeed:
 26 “His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! ... you should have at least put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.
   28 “‘So take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags. 29 For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. 30 And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

This illustration was not about investment strategies, ROIs or compounded interest.  It isn't about wealth accumulation.  It isn't even about how to invest God's money.  But money does tend to get our attention and so it is an effective illustration to help us understand what God expects- faithfulness with whatever has been entrusted to usThe profit God is looking for is the one that brings increase to His kingdom.  What exactly can bring profit?  I don't know - what has He entrusted you with?  Authority, money, intelligence, talent, influence, possessions, spiritual insight... then YES, that is what He expects to yield increase for His Kingdom.   

Today He told me to look afresh at the "small things" He has put into my care and evaluate if I am using them to bring Him increase.  Or am I lazy or afraid and have nothing to show for what I have been entrusted with?  I can afford to loose money by sitting on my nest egg, but I can't afford to miss the opportunity to "Come and share (my) master's happiness!"  I want to be the one who He can confidently "put in charge of many things" no matter how big or small they might be. 

Today I am reminded to take stock of what God has put in my "portfolio" and be sure I am investing wisely for Him. 

What things has God put in your care? Post a comment....

Day 38 of 365 days with God:
Exodus 26
Exodus 27
Matthew 25:1-30
Psalm 31:1-8
Proverbs 8:1-11


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