DAY 33: Did you know that one of the most often quoted "scriptures" attributed to the Bible isn't in the Bible at all?  It is a commonly held belief that the saying, "God helps those who help themselves" comes from the Bible. It does not.

In fact, pollster George Barna of The Barna Group reported that 75% of American teenagers said they believed that is was the central message of the Bible.  That's probably because we parents quote it every time we want our kids to do something for themselves for a change.  Or, it may be because most adults believe it comes from the Bible. Despite being of non-Biblical origin, the phrase was actually coined by English political theorist Algernon Sidney in the 1600s, the phrase topped a poll of the most widely known Bible verses.

It would funny if it were not so sad.  Think about it.  Almost every American household has a Bible. (I'm embarrassed to say I have more than a dozen.)  Most Christians in free societies own a Bible.  Yet, we cannot say with certainty what is and what is not within the pages.  Could it be that we own the Bibles but we do not read them?

Today, God cautioned me about the danger of letting dust gather on my Bible.

In Matthew 22, Jesus is engaging the religious experts who desperately want to discredit Him.  They follow Him constantly, asking questions, looking for ways to trap Him with His words and plotting against Him.  For His part, Jesus simply tells them what is true.  On this day he used a parable about a wedding to explain to them that "many are called, but few are chosen."  He left them speechless when they tried to trip Him up with a question about taxes.  And then finally, some experts who didn't believe in the idea of resurrection presented Him with a puzzle about marriage in the afterlife.  Jesus response is very telling - and very convicting.

Matthew 22: 29  Jesus replied, "Your problem is that you don't know the Scriptures and you don't know the power of God."

OUCH! That had to sting.  These were the so called "godly" people.  These were the people others looked up to and followed.  Exactly where had they been leading the people?  It could not have been toward God if they did not even know the Scriptures nor the power of God.  Yet they had every opportunity to know.  Either they were too lazy, too prideful or too hard hearted to know. 

Enough about them - what about me?  What questions do I have that I could already have the answers to if I would simply spend time really knowing the Scriptures.  Could I know the power of God more if I would let Him have more control in my life to display it?  I don't want to be like the Pharisees and the Sadducees, those "religious people" who know all the right "religious words" but nothing of God's real promise or power.  If people follow me, I want to lead them toward God, not my version of God.

As I spend every day of this ONE YEAR JOURNEY WITH GOD, God is urging me to gain a deep and abiding knowledge of the truths in His word.  He is calling me to meet Him in the Scriptures.  He is ready to show me His power if I invite Him into the circumstances I face daily.  Today, He showed me that it is pointless to be "religious" but not to know His Word or His Power.  That is where the real questions get answered.  

What questions do you have for God?

Day 33 of 365s with God:
Exodus 15:19-27
Exodus 16
Exodus 17:1-7
Matthew 22:1-33
Psalm 27:1-6
Proverbs 6:20-26


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