A LOVE THAT LASTS:  Do you long to feel cherished, respected, treasured? Are you waiting for a more perfect affection than anyone in this life has to offer? Single. Married. Divorced. Widowed. Male or Female. We were created to be loved. No matter what we find here on earth, it is at best a dim reflection of a love so pure, so unconditional, so passionate, it is beyond our ability to conceive. If you are longing, I want you to know that I found a love letter addressed to you. Read it. Believe it. Hang on to it. The Lover of your Soul is reaching for your heart. 

      My eyes have been on you for as long as I can remember. (2 Chronicles 16:9)  From the very beginning of time you were destined to be mine.  (Ephesians 1:5) No other could take your place. I have even written your name on my hand.  You are more valuable to me than a pearl of great price. (Matthew 13:45) You are wonderfully made; you need no improvement. (Psalm 139:14)  I have chosen you from all the others and set you apart. (1 Peter 2:9)  You are precious in my sight. (Romans 8:29-30)
      Do not be afraid to love me back. (1 John 4:16) I will never disappoint you. (Roman 5:4)  My love is unfailing. (Lamentations 3:32)  Nothing can separate you from my love, not any created thing in heaven or on earth.  (Romans 8:31-39)  Even death cannot separate us. I have laid down my life for you so that we can always be together. (John 3:16)  My love for you is eternal, without end for I have loved you with an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3) 
      Should you turn from me, I would pursue you; (Luke 15) and when you return, I would rejoice.  (Isaiah 62:5) My love will cover over all wrongs. (Proverbs 10:12) Nothing will come between us because I will never tire of forgiving and accepting you as you are. (Psalm 103)
      Delight yourself in my love and I will give you the desires of your heart.  (Psalm 37:4)  I will care for you and give you all you need.  I will take away the worries of your heart. (Matthew 6:25-34)  I will wipe away every tear from your eyes. (Revelation 7:17)  My riches are abundant and I will give them generously to you. (Ephesians 3:8, Romans 10:12) You cannot begin to imagine all that I have prepared especially for you, (1 Corinthians 2:9) and I will give you even beyond what you ask. No good thing will I withhold from you, the one I love.(Psalm 84:11)And though you have nothing to offer me in return, I promise to ensure a great inheritance for you. (Ephesians 1:14) 
      All that I desire is that you love me, because I first loved you. (1 John 4: 19) Love me with all your heart.  Love me with all your strength.  Love me with your whole mind and your soul. (Deuteronomy 6:5)  Then, all of this will I be free to give you and I will pour my love within your heart. (Romans 5:5) Beloved, be mine.
                                          Yours Forever,


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