DAY 59: Christmas, Easter, National Doughnut Day.... I love holidays. I love them so much, in fact, that I have written a couple of holiday books. There is nothing like the anticipation of a special day. The preparations. The planning. All the special symbols and tokens of a particular day of celebration. I love sharing ideas of how to make a holiday meaningful. Weekdays come and weekdays go; weekends come and weekends go- but holidays offer a break from the rhythm of the routine. But I am reminded today that there is a difference between a holi-day and a holy-day. There are those few really special times that are more than just breaks from routine. Days like Easter, Christmas and Thanksgiving have the potential for so much more. With Easter just around the corner, I loved being reminded in our reading today in Leviticus that our faith holidays are more than just a frivolous excuse to make merry. They are, if embraced as God designed such times, t...