DAY 42 & 43:  I am going to take a wild guess and assume that if I tell you that sometimes life gets in the way of our well organized plans, you can relate.  Lately, it seems as if life has outright conspired to make sure that none of my well thought out plans materializes.  This winter was going to be the season that I finally finished the house updates that have been so desperately needed.  This winter was going to be the season when I got back to the book project I was working on.  This winter was going to be the season when I finally made my home office more of office and less home.

Now let me tell you want this winter  has actually been like.  My newly settled empty nest was repopulated when our 20 year-old-son moved home from New York City.  Did I mention that he is very high maintenance?  The construction projects that were suppose to be completed by Thanksgiving weren't.  The last workman just loaded his tool belt and power saw and vacated my house LAST WEEK! All the spare time I was going to commit to the book project evaporated in the face of the needs of a very sick friend.  As for organizing my home office, see exhibit A below:

Kim's filing system.
I had plans.  Life happened. Enough said.  Surely you can relate.  Most people I know suffer from the same situation I do: Too much to do, too little time and very little cooperation. That being the case, I hope you will give me grace for merging two blogging days into one.  While I managed to fit in time meeting with God reading His word everyday, somewhere in the past week I lost a blog day.  I don't even know when it happened.  I just got up one morning and realized I was reading one passage but blogging on the passage from the day before.  I guess it happened somewhere between the construction guys hammering and my visits to the hospital to care for my friend.

And it has been driving my crazy trying to figure out how to catch up.  Do I just stay a day behind? Do I blog today and then in twelve hours blog again to catch up?  Do I skip a day and hope you won't notice because your busy trying to figure out what happened to your own plans?  It is absolutely ludicris that I have been spending my mental energy trying to figure out how to get back on schedule After reading today's passage I have come to a conclusion:  The ONLY plan that is unchangeable and 100% reliable is the one God himself has purposed. All other plans are at best probable and at worst laughable.  Most fall somewhere in between. But not God's plans.

I've been reading in both the Old Testament and the New Testament and see a message that is unmistakable - God's plans are Rock solid.  In Exodus 32-35 Moses goes up to the mountain to meet with God and receive the laws by which God intended His people to live by.  But when Moses returns to the people, he finds Israel Gone Wild. They built themselves a livestock god, acted like college students on spring break and forgot God altogether.  In response, God tells Moses he is going to wash His hands of them and instead He will make Moses himself into a great nation.  Most men would jump at the chance to have their name carried on for all eternity - even if it would completely alter the plans God had promised to carry out - a nation from Abraham.  But God knew the caliber of the man when he chose Moses.  Instead of hogging glory, Moses begs God to stick to the plan, forgive the people and bless them again.  God does.  Certainly it was not because they deserved it.  Certainly it was not because Moses was so persuasive... he said himself he was a terrible speaker.  God purposed a plan and even in the face of no cooperation He fulfilled His plan because He is able.  Time and time again, He would rely on His own trustworthyness as Isreal would fail again and again.

As I read on the same days from Matthew 26-27, I saw the consequences of God's rock solid plans.  Because He couldn't be shaken from His course, the promised Messiah, Son of David, the Lion of Judah entered the world - one in whom all the nations of the earth would be blessed, just as he told Abram he had planned.  But these specific passages are the story of how Jesus was betrayed, how he was arrested, sentenced to death, beaten, humiliated and flogged.  Surely this would take God off the plan!  No. This was the plan.   

Romans 5: 6 explains it: You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 

From the foundations of the world, God made a plan.  From the creation of man He has gotten no cooperation.  His plan moves forward anyway.  And at the right time,  He will bring His plan to completion with a new Heaven and a new Earth and we will hear  "a loud voice from the throne saying, 'Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.'" Revelation 21:3

So what if none of my plans work out the way I had them scheduled? At best inconvenience will result.  The plan I can truly count is unshakable, unalterable and 100% guaranteed - because it is God's plan, not mine.    

As for mine, enjoy this combo blog... there may be more to come :)

Day 42 of 365
Exodus 32
Exodus 33
Matthew 26:69-75
Matthew 27:1-14

Psalm 33:1-11
Proverbs 8:33-36

Day 43 of 365
Exodus 34
Exodus 35:1-9
Matthew 27:15-31

Psalm 33:12-22
Proverbs 9:1-6


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