DAY 159: I like to think that I am a "the glass is half full" kind of girl; I try to find the good news in situations.  I just told my daughter, who has been noticing that her glass is half empty lately, that there is always a positive.  Sure, she has an new college apartment over run with roaches, but she isn't living in a camper next to our garage anymore.  She was just diagnosed with strep throat, but now she will get the rest she desperately needs. And Yes, she forgot to pay her traffic ticket and there is an arrest warrant issued for her, but - no, I can't think of anything positive about that one.  Give me some time.

Still, things are not as bad as she is feeling.  I firmly believe that if your focus is always on what is lost, you will feel like a looser.  Focus on what is broken and you will feel like having a breakdown.

BUT Focus on what you have, what is ahead, and what is possible and you will have the strength to to keep going forward.  I believe that philosophy whole hardheartedly, except today, when I decided to wallow in all the things that are overwhelming my own life. 

One by one, I thought about situations, responsibilities, relationships, and commitments that were rapidly emptying my glass.  If that were not enough, I added the sum of them all together and started to fill my cup with tears. I couldn't see anything but the negative side of every situation and it did a terrible thing to me...it took away my joy.  I hated that feeling. I'm not a crier and I don't like feeling desperate - but for a few minutes, I gave in.

After about five minutes of being convinced that I was incapable of handling my own life, I literally ran to where I keep my daily Bible, opened it to today's reading and demanded, "God I know you have the answers I need today."

That wasn't just desperation talking.  More times than I can count I have opened my Bible and found that the scriptures for that day were exactly the counsel, encouragement, or rebuke I needed, tucked strategically into the pages waiting for me.  Today was no exception.  Like a little love note left for me to find at just the right time were the words that filled my draining cup.

Romans 4:18 Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping—believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, “That’s how many descendants you will have!” 19 And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah’s womb.
20 Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God.

Abraham hoped even when there was no reason for hope. Against all evidence, he believed his cup was on the way to being filled, not on the way to being emptied.  But the truth that changed my heart was not what Abraham saw, but what God saw. As Abraham's faith grew stronger despite his circumstances, "it brought glory to God." 

Having faith and hope when it is obvious everything is going to turn out fine does not reflect to the world the greater scope of God's faithfulness.   BUT genuine hope and trust in the face of emptiness honors God in a deeper way - a way that brings Him glory.

Suddenly, I had a new respect for all the question marks, the overcommitment, and the uncertainties in my life.  Each one was an opportunity for it to be seen, "she never wavered - her faith grew stronger and it brought glory to God."

This question rang in my ears: Am I willing to operate by faith not sight if it brings more glory to God? But He is not the only one who receives in such times.  As I kept reading I saw what good things God had waiting for those who trust not in what they see or experience, but in what is true of God:

Romans 5:3 We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

My list of "problems and trials" is also a list of ways that God plans to pour His own character and love into my life; endurance, strength of character, hope that won't disappoint, and a firm knowledge of how much He dearly loves me. 

With this new view of things, I started making a list of all the goodness filling my cup.  With no effort at all, I listed many things I am genuinely thankful for in each situation.  It's not that those evidences of God's goodness were missing before, I just wasn't looking for them.  Now, I can't miss them.

Like Abraham, I am absolutely convinced that God is able to keep His promises no matter what circumstances look like in our lives. Putting our hope in Him at such times brings Him greater glory even while it grows our character.  

1 Chronicles 26:12-32
1 Chronicles 27
Romans 4:13-25
Romans 5:1-5
Psalm 14:1-7
Proverbs 19:17


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