GETTING STARTED: Can you believe it? Another year is now in the record books, and I didn't come close to meeting any of my resolutions so earnestly made 12 months ago.  I was so sincere when I said I wanted to loose 10 pounds.  I even ordered, not one, but three exercise video programs from late night TV. Unfortunately, I have yet to start one of them. I vowed to myself that I was going to organize and declutter my home office, once and for all.  I've organized it 10 times and just can't seem to break my addiction to piles.  And don't even get me started on what happened to my plan to live by a budget.  All the things I promised myself would change my life, didn't even change my January.

I did however, keep one commitment. I told God that I wanted to spend time with Him every single day, not just telling Him my woes and needs, but listening to what HE had to say to me.  How, you ask, did I know He had anything to say to me?  Well, He sent me an entire book of His thoughts on every subject under the sun.  But like my exercise videos, it most often sat unused.  I wondered, if I made the commitment to actually meet with God everyday and hear His voice through His Word, would it change my circumstances?  Would it change my life?

Twelve months later I can tell you that I know what it is to have God search my heart, examine my ways, and see if there is any unpleasing way in me.  I know what it is to hear His voice in the quiet whispers.  I discovered that He indeed is willing to light my path.  What I discovered is that meeting with God EVERY DAY for the ENTIRE YEAR did more than change my circumstances; it changed me.

Don't get me wrong.  I am still the same girl who needs to loose ten pounds. I still have dark roots.  I still get impatient when the driver in front of me is going 55 in the fast lane.  What has changed, however, is being 100% convinced, that I am my Heavenly Father's favorite child.  So powerful are His messages of love communicated through His words, His works and His will that I will never again feel like the one who disappoints my Daddy.  I'm the one He brags about.  I'm the one He adores.  I'm the One He loves spending time with.  And in that realization, it changes everything about my life, my goals, my ambitions, my actions.  Because I want to please the Dad who is pleased with me. That kind of transformation awaits any willing to dive in to hear His voice.

Whether you are starting on the first day of a year or just starting TODAY, why not start fresh getting to know more about God? I invite you to join me over the next 365 days to discover for yourself the indescribable, incomprehensible, immutable love Almighty God has for you.

Each day I will post the scriptures from the ONE YEAR BIBLE PLAN.   You can read this online at no cost at the ONE YEAR BIBLE plan divides the entire Bible over 365 days, you can customize a plan and content that is right for you. You can also access an audio version of the Bible at the same location. This tool does require you to sign in, though it is a free resource.  

ALONG WITH THE SCRIPTURES: I will also blog my own thoughts about how I see the truths intersecting with real life - because the goal is not to just know the Word of God; it is to be transformed by it. I hope reading how I process the truths helps you wrestle with them in your own life.   

TODAY GENESIS 1: Ask God to give you a desire to know Him and spend time with Him, our eternal God who was "IN THE BEGINNING". As you begin fresh in His word, God is here now, too.  Ask God to use His same creative power that he used when "IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" to create something just as spectacular in you - the image of His son.  ASK GOD to fill whatever He finds that is "FORMLESS AND VOID" with His own love, character and holiness - IN YOU.  

Today will you use Genesis 1, the beginning, as a guide for your beginning to ask God:
Lord, You are the creator who makes something out of nothing.  There are places of nothing in my life and in my heart.  Lord, use your word and your Spirit hovering in my life to bring light into darkness wherever you find it in me;  To separate from me the things that keep me from you. Every day let your word do a work so amazing that it will be evident that you declare it "GOOD!" AMEN

Share your comments below, and be sure to JOIN THE GROUP to get each days devotional in your email.  

See you tomorrow!


   Matthew 1, 2:1-12
   Psalm 1:1-6
   Proverbs 1:1-6

CONGRATULATIONS!  You are on your way to ONE YEAR WITH GOD!!
NOW, use the comment section to share some of your experience as you met with God.


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