DAY 5: When I was a kid my sister and I often used the phrase, "I'm gonna tell mom." Invariably, the other would retort, "Mom said not to tattle." To which the common reply was, "Watch and See!" That's when the waiting game began. The offender, usually me, was on pins and needles waiting to see if my sister would really tell on me. It's funny how when we think we are in trouble we are on high alert.
Today, when I read Pslam 5, I realized that as a child of my Heavenly Father I should be on high alert for a different reason.
David wrote, "Listen to my voice in the morning Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and I wait expectantly."
David trusted that not only did God hear his requests, but that He would act. He didn't pray and then forget what he had prayed, as I often do. Instead, he sought God, he made his requests for God's intervening hand, AND THEN HE EXPECTED AN ANSWER.
That was such an encouragement to me on this rainy January day, only 6 days from the large rehearsal dinner we are hosting in honor of our oldest son's wedding. Oh, did I mention that the dinner is OUTSIDE! As Texans, we often have mild winters and so planning a BBQ event to be held outside on our deck seemed reasonable a year ago when we made the decision. We didn't count on a colder than usual - AND WETTER than usual Texas winter. The forcast for the past few days has said RAIN.
And so like David, I have raised my voice in the morning (and afternoon and evening) asking God to send us mild dry weather for this weekend ahead. AND I AM WAITING EXPECTANTLY. In fact I so expect God to hear my request that I check the forecast several times a day. AND GUESS WHAT, each time a check the projected temperature goes up and the chances of rain go down! As of now, it will be partly sunny and 70 degrees on the day of the dinner. I have prayed constantly because I expect God to hear and if He wills, to act.
I will praise God rain or shine, but I WAIT EXPECTANTLY knowing He not only is listening to my voice, but that He cares about the concerns of my heart - big or small.
But I don't want to be a fair-weather pray-er. There have been plenty of times I have shot a prayer up to God and then moved on never thinking again to look for the answer, as if I didn't even expect one. Instead, I want to be like David all the time. And if I truly know the character of God and believe He is the good Father He declares Himself to be, it is foolish not to wait expectantly when I seek my Father out. Like any good Father, He may not always respond exactly his child request, but I can expect Him to get involved.
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And tune in every Sunday night for a live God-conversation at at 7pm CST. Just click the LISTEN LIVE link on the top of that web page.
Day 5 of 365
Genesis 11
Genesis 12
Genesis 13:1-4
Matthew 5:1-26
Psalm 5:1-12
Proverbs 1:24-28
Today, when I read Pslam 5, I realized that as a child of my Heavenly Father I should be on high alert for a different reason.

David trusted that not only did God hear his requests, but that He would act. He didn't pray and then forget what he had prayed, as I often do. Instead, he sought God, he made his requests for God's intervening hand, AND THEN HE EXPECTED AN ANSWER.
That was such an encouragement to me on this rainy January day, only 6 days from the large rehearsal dinner we are hosting in honor of our oldest son's wedding. Oh, did I mention that the dinner is OUTSIDE! As Texans, we often have mild winters and so planning a BBQ event to be held outside on our deck seemed reasonable a year ago when we made the decision. We didn't count on a colder than usual - AND WETTER than usual Texas winter. The forcast for the past few days has said RAIN.
And so like David, I have raised my voice in the morning (and afternoon and evening) asking God to send us mild dry weather for this weekend ahead. AND I AM WAITING EXPECTANTLY. In fact I so expect God to hear my request that I check the forecast several times a day. AND GUESS WHAT, each time a check the projected temperature goes up and the chances of rain go down! As of now, it will be partly sunny and 70 degrees on the day of the dinner. I have prayed constantly because I expect God to hear and if He wills, to act.
I will praise God rain or shine, but I WAIT EXPECTANTLY knowing He not only is listening to my voice, but that He cares about the concerns of my heart - big or small.
But I don't want to be a fair-weather pray-er. There have been plenty of times I have shot a prayer up to God and then moved on never thinking again to look for the answer, as if I didn't even expect one. Instead, I want to be like David all the time. And if I truly know the character of God and believe He is the good Father He declares Himself to be, it is foolish not to wait expectantly when I seek my Father out. Like any good Father, He may not always respond exactly his child request, but I can expect Him to get involved.
Join our community on facebook HERE.
And tune in every Sunday night for a live God-conversation at at 7pm CST. Just click the LISTEN LIVE link on the top of that web page.
Day 5 of 365
Genesis 11
Genesis 12
Genesis 13:1-4
Matthew 5:1-26
Psalm 5:1-12
Proverbs 1:24-28
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