DAY 10: Okay, this is what is called "speed blogging." I haven't slept in 36 hours and quite frankly I don't expect to for another 12. My very sick friend is in the hospital and her situation just does not seem to be improving. She is very ill and also in a very confused state. To make sure someone is always with her, I am babysitting her daughter's 10 months old baby through the night time hours so that her daughter can spend the night in the hospital keeping watch. I'm so glad to be able to do something useful instead of just saying, "I wish there was something I could do."
So I am having my second sleepover with an infant. I haven't had a baby in the house in 18 years and I have clearly forgotten a few things... are all babies this needy? I'm exhausted. But it's all I can do if I want to help. It's not much, but it's something.
What I really want to do is make my sick friend better. I want to restore her strength. I want to clear her confusion. Instead, I do what I can; I wipe snot from her grandbaby's nose at 4 a.m.
But there is One who can do so much more. As I rushed to squeeze in my time with God between diaper changes today, I read in Matthew 18 how Jesus is not only able to help, but willing to help.
A man with leprosy approached Jesus. He knelt before him, worshiping. "Lord" the man said, "if you want to you can make me well again." Jesus touched him. "I want to," He said. "Be healed."
Two more people reached out to Jesus in turn and He also wanted to help them.
There is a lot going on in my life, and in the lives of people I care about. Sometimes I forget the character of God and I imagine Him huffing as I bring my requests, sure he must be thinking, "There she is again." But He is not like that at all. He delights when I bring Him my needs and when I seek Him out. And I am convinced, like the leper was, that God is able to help no matter how big my problem. I may "wish I could" but He is fully able for every circumstance. I admit, though, sometimes I forget that He is not only able, but he is also fully willing. If I listen I will also hear His words: I want to. In believing in his power and his desire to work in my life I know my believing will also lead to seeing God's presence in every situation.
Now, back to the baby!
What are you reminded of as you spend time with God today??
Please share your comments and insights here about whatever you are reading in Scripture.
And tune in every Sunday night for a live God-conversation at www.KSBJ.org at 7pm CST. Just click the LISTEN LIVE link on the top of that web page.
Day 10 of 365
Genesis 23
Genesis 24:1-51
Matthew 8:1-17
Psalm 9:13-20
Proverbs 3:1-6
What I really want to do is make my sick friend better. I want to restore her strength. I want to clear her confusion. Instead, I do what I can; I wipe snot from her grandbaby's nose at 4 a.m.
But there is One who can do so much more. As I rushed to squeeze in my time with God between diaper changes today, I read in Matthew 18 how Jesus is not only able to help, but willing to help.
A man with leprosy approached Jesus. He knelt before him, worshiping. "Lord" the man said, "if you want to you can make me well again." Jesus touched him. "I want to," He said. "Be healed."
Two more people reached out to Jesus in turn and He also wanted to help them.
There is a lot going on in my life, and in the lives of people I care about. Sometimes I forget the character of God and I imagine Him huffing as I bring my requests, sure he must be thinking, "There she is again." But He is not like that at all. He delights when I bring Him my needs and when I seek Him out. And I am convinced, like the leper was, that God is able to help no matter how big my problem. I may "wish I could" but He is fully able for every circumstance. I admit, though, sometimes I forget that He is not only able, but he is also fully willing. If I listen I will also hear His words: I want to. In believing in his power and his desire to work in my life I know my believing will also lead to seeing God's presence in every situation.
Now, back to the baby!
What are you reminded of as you spend time with God today??
Please share your comments and insights here about whatever you are reading in Scripture.
And tune in every Sunday night for a live God-conversation at www.KSBJ.org at 7pm CST. Just click the LISTEN LIVE link on the top of that web page.
Day 10 of 365
Genesis 23
Genesis 24:1-51
Matthew 8:1-17
Psalm 9:13-20
Proverbs 3:1-6
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