DAY 28: One of the biggest objections I hear from those who refuse to surrender themselves to God has to do with all the suffering in the world.  You've probably heard it, too.  "If God is so loving then why do good people suffer?"  "If God is really in control, then why do bad things happen?"

The answers the world offers are pretty simple: either God is not loving or God is not able to stop the bad. Today however, I heard God speak for Himself on the subject of why bad things happen to those who know Him and those who don't.  

In Exodus 5-7 Moses and Aaron begin the process of carrying out God's plan.  As instructed, they went to Pharaoh and requested that he let the Israelite go. Pharaoh refused and retaliated by decreeing that the slaves would no longer be given straw to make the bricks required.  They would have to find their own straw but still meet the old quota of bricks. 

The leaders of the Israelite complained to Moses that he wasn't helping at all.  He only made their bondage worse.  Moses in turn complained to God.

22 Then Moses went back to the LORD and protested, “Why have you brought all this trouble on your own people, Lord? Why did you send me? 23 Ever since I came to Pharaoh as your spokesman, he has been even more brutal to your people. And you have done nothing to rescue them!

In essence Moses was asking, "God, why are you letting bad things happen to good people?"  Moses didn't understand God at all.  I can imagine how they must have felt.  There have been times when I have asked for God to help and things just seemed to get worse.  Even when I knew I was asking for things that were according to His will, but the suffering continued. I felt betrayed.  I felt abandoned.  I admit, I have doubted whether God cared or was able.  I wonder if Moses felt those things as he watched the circumstances go from bad to worse.

God reassured Moses:  9"Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh.... 'Say to the Israelites, I am the Lord and I will free you.' ... but they wouldn't listen anymore.  They had become too discouraged by the increasing burdens..."

When circumstances seem out of our control with no end in sight, it is easy to become too discouraged to hear God's voice - or to even want to hear God's voice. God reminded me today to be on my guard as I face difficulties. Moses, however confused, kept listening and kept following.  He went to Pharaoh again and this time when he wouldn't listen Moses turned all the water in the land to blood as God instructed.  Even then, Pharaoh did not relent.

In fact God says it was He who hardened Pharaoh's heart.  WHY?? Why would he delay the liberation of His people and prolong their suffering.  Did he not care or was He not able?   
God answered the question.

7:5 When I show the Egyptians my power and force them to let the Israelites go, they will realize I am the LORD."  

"THEY WILL REALIZE I AM LORD"  Is that a good enough reason to endure suffering?

God cared greatly for His people.  God made a promise to give the a land that he fully intended to keep.  It is also clearly God's will to make Himself known and to be worship as the LORD ALMIGHTY.  In this circumstance He chose to merge all of His purposes.  He would be best known by showing His power and His judgment to Pharaoh through repeated wonders and miracles given in response to Israel's oppression.  It appears that they suffered so that He might be known to those who did not know Him.  The day would come when even His own Son who would suffer,  to the point of death, so that God could be known - to you and me. 

God asked me today if I was willing to experience suffering if it meant someone else might know Him.  I have to be honest.  That is a hard question.  But I don't want to be like the Israelite leaders who became too discouraged to listen to God speak, or like Pharaoh, "who returned to his palace and put the whole thing out of His mind." If suffering is part of this life, (and Jesus said that it is) I want God to use my suffering to make Himself known.  That is what He is doing in my missionary friend's life who has a rare cancer but is seeing God make Himself known to his doctor whose heart has been hardened.  My friend is at peace  knowing God would never waste his suffering.  Today, God reminded me that He will never waste mine either. Only I can waste it.

 I heard hard things from God today, 
but I listened anyway. 
What did you hear?

Day 28 of 365s with God
Exodus 5:22-23
Exodus 6
Exodus 7

Matthew 18:21-35
Matthew 19:1-12
Psalm 23:1-6
Proverbs 5:22-23

Please leave your own comments. . .


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