DAY 16: It is day 16 of our ONE YEAR WITH GOD.  My personal goal is to meet with Him every single day, not to discover truths, or wisdom, or answers to my zillions of questions.  The goal is much simpler than that.  I just want to be God's friend.  I want to know Him better.  I want our relationship to be deeper.  I want to love Him more.

I have tried other more complicated strategies to find the secret to intimacy with God, but through them I actually know Him less. Commentaries, Bible studies and small group meetings might help me "know" more, but they don't always lead to knowing Him more.  It is completely contrary to everything we learn growing up, "Just work hard and you would succeed."  Ironically, working hard to get more information about God doesn't really lead to knowing Him, only knowing about him. 

That is because spiritual truth isn't a product of effort or intellect that comes from us.  It is a revelation that is granted by God. To be His Friend, is to be welcomed in to His inner circle where such marvelous truths are shared generously.

Today, I read in Matthew 11:

 25 At that time Jesus prayed this prayer: “O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike. 26 Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way!

It matters not whether one is as wise as Solomon or as simple as a child, spiritual truth is available only as God chooses to reveal it. And "it pleases Him" to reveal it to those who come simply asking to know Him, as a child comes to a Father for everything he needs.  Those who understand that every single revelation about God and how He operates in this world comes because HE REVEALS IT are the ones who know they cannot gain such wisdom on their own.  They can gain it by going into the presence of the One who grants it and asking.

God reminded me today that when I fail to understand, when I am confounded or feel I can't grasp His love, I should step back and ask myself if I am relying on my own cleverness.  If so, I might have just outsmarted myself.

Who but a Friend would shares a secret like that

What is God showing you? Share you comments and insights here. 

Day 16 of 365
Genesis 32:13-32
Genesis 33
Genesis 34
Matthew 11:7-30
Psalm 14:1-7
Proverbs 3:19-20


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