DAY 25: According to my mom, it is only natural that I make my living in communications. A big talker from a young age, I earned myself the nickname “chatty Kathy” at home.  It was quite a contrast to my sister who was (and is) far more reserved.  Many times my mom would see me tagging along a few steps behind my older sister just chattering away as if I were saying the most important things in the world, while Tammi walked ahead seemingly unaware I was even there.  
In school, my conduct grades reflected my outgoing nature.  While I generally received “Satisfactory” check-marks in areas like “follows the rules” and “gets along with others,” I almost always received “Unsatisfactory” in “listens well” and “pays attention.”   Sometimes I even got check minuses.  My skills were clearly under-appreciated but rapidly developing.
My parents urged me to put those “skills” to good use as I got older.  In high school I joined the speech competition team.  It was awesome to finally get some appreciation for my many words. I found a place I could actually got a trophy for out-talking others. With that encouragement, I earned a degree in communications in college. I discovered I had so much to say I even got a teacher’s certification so I would be “officially” qualified to talk. Then I just did what came naturally.  I talked about English to my students; I talk on the radio as a talk show host; and I talk as a Bible teacher at women’s conferences, so it is not an exaggeration to say, “My life is talk.”  
God, however, is quick to remind me in my reading today that while there is a time to talk, there is also a time to listen.  Using the story of another big talker, God shows that talking can only get you so far. 
In the midst of traveling, teaching and healing, Jesus paused for a small side trip with three of his closest disciples.  The story, from Matthew 17 tells, “Jesus took Peter and the two brothers, James and John, and led them up a high mountain to be alone.” Then, as the disciples watched, Jesus began to change before their very eyes.  His appearance became “dazzling white”. Suddenly, Moses and Elijah appeared and began talking with Jesus.
Can’t you imagine it? There, before their eyes, were two of the disciples’ ancestral heroes. It would be like John Wayne and Ronald Regan appearing in front of me. Some might be rendered speechless by such a reverent experience; but not Peter, who himself had a reputation of being “quick to speak.”
Peter blurted out, “Lord, it’s wonderful for us to be here! If you want, I’ll make three shelters as memorials—one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”(vs4)
Yep, that was just what the situation called for – Peter’s input. Peter was doing what came naturally to Peter, but he was about to get a very important lesson. 
But even as he spoke, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy. Listen to him.” (vs5)
Excuse me, Peter, but “SHUT UP!”  Okay, God is too polite to say that, but the message is loud and clear: Listen to Jesus; the One who Is and Was and Is to come.  There is a definitely a time for talking. God tells us to lift our voices in praise  and thanks to Him. He delights as we pray to Him about all things, at all times, in all circumstances, telling Him our hurts, our needs and our desires.  But there is also a time to cease speaking and listen to the One whose words matter most.  
As I pause every day to read the words penned by the Spirit of God Himself, I am learning to “listen to Him.” When my own lips stop moving and my ears start listening, I hear God offer me encouragement, hope, guidance, and like Peter, often-needed correction.  I don’t hear general principals, I hear God talking to me about my life.  God is in His Word and as I learn to hear His voice there, I am beginning to recognize His voice with me everywhere.  
God it too polite to say, “Shut up” but He did say “Listen up!” That may not come naturally for most of us, but it can come supernaturally with God's help.  Just imagine what we will hear when we stop talking and start listening.

What did you hear God say today? Leave your comments below...

Day 25 of 365 days with God: Read a little or read a lot:
Genesis 50
Exodus 1
Exodus 2:1-10
Matthew 16:13-28
Matthew 17:1-9
Psalm 21:1-13
Proverbs 5:1-6


  1. I'm trying to hear from God for my several trials I'm going through right now but I'm not hearing anything. I'm in his word daily and Im
    Reading.g his word but I'm so confused and wish I could get a solid answer as to what I need to do at this point in my life. Its been three Years and God has been there for me at my worst and taken care of me but I long for some peace where I could just come to him without desperation and just talk to him and hear him talk back. I will take your advice and.just listen. I will pray for others that need my prayers and leave mne out, I know He knows my needs and just listen.


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