The course started the first week of January; and I am ashamed to say, after all my bluster about how I was gonna beef up and give her some competition on the hiking trails, I didn't sign up. The truth is that I doubted that I would be able to survive. I am a wimp. I am weak. I don't like to sweat. Come on -really? What were the chances I would survive the first week? So doubt won and I didn't go. All my talk amounted to nothing. Turns out the old adage is true: Talk is cheap. It is action that counts.
Today I read about some other doubters who could talk a good game; but it wasn't themselves they doubted most. They doubted the One who had authority over them. Matthew 14 tells two stories when Jesus gave the disciples instructions to do something that was beyond their abilities, requiring dependence on Jesus. Even though they did not have the capacity to carry out either command, Jesus was very clear about what they were to do.
First, after a long day of teaching and healing the crowds who had followed him into the countryside, the dilemma arose over how to handle supper. There were thousands in the crowd and the disciples offered up their solution to the problem.
15 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”
But Jesus had another plan and replied, 16"That isn't necessary - you feed them."
Jesus gave them a direct instruction. He expected them to feed the thousands. But when they looked at the resources they had on hand, and the hungry crowd, they drew their conclusion. Doubt led them not to obedience but to recount why the task was impossible.
17 “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.
Instead of acting on faith by gathering what they did have and asking Jesus to provide the rest, or show them how to feed the crowd, or ask him for any help - they expected Jesus to change the command. They doubted His orders and possibly even Him. Jesus had to insist they bring him the bread and fish so that he could show them that He was able to provide for their obedience. In the end, the small lunch plus Jesus intervention fed an enormous mass. As for the disciples, their inaction revealed their small faith.
Immediately after this object lesson disguised as a meal, Jesus told his disciples to get in a boat and cross the the lake while he sent the people home. They certainly hadn't shown they were up to the task of caring for Jesus most precious treasures, the people. While they were on the boat a huge storm began and heavy waves threatened them. At three in the morning, in the misdst of the storm, Jesus came to them "walking on the water." Peter was so excited He asked Jesus if he could come out to Him walking on the water! Jesus called to him to come.
29 Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
Each one of the disciples had said they would follow Jesus. Each one had witnessed miracles. Each one had told other about this promised One sent from God. But at this moment all their talk amounted to nothing because it was their actions that spoke loud and clear. No matter what they said, Jesus knew what was really hindering them: "Why did you doubt?" He asked.
This was only the beginning for the disciples who would learn, in some cases the hard way, that Jesus can be trusted - every single time! Showing that we trust depends on our actions, not mere words. When we act on what He has told us to do, we show that we believe He is able to work it out even if we can't see how it is possible. Everything short of obedience is just a lot of smack!
This week, because God showed me that my actions, NOT MY WORDS, reveal my level of trust in Him, I am going to be watching for my opportunities to trust Him to make His commands possible in my life. If He tells me to be patient, I won't just say "Yes, Lord", I will try to bite my tongue and endure graciously what comes. If he tells me to forgive, or to help, serve, give, or wait, I won't look first to all the reason obeying Him is impossible. Instead, I will believe that God is able and I will step out on that faith to take action. I can't wait to see how God will provide for the impossible!! As for the pickle jars, I guess my daughter gets to keep teasing me.
What about you? Is there a place that you are doubting something God has called you to do, or be? How will you show your trust that He will provide all you need to obey?
Day 22 of 365 days in God's word - Read a little or a lot.
Genesis 44
Genesis 45
Matthew 14:13-36
Psalm 18:37-50
Proverbs 4:11-13
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