DAY 2: While our journey with God this year will take us through both the Old and the New Testament,  I have to admit that I often find the most compelling applications from the Old Testament.  I get enthralled with the stories of lives striving to both run toward God and flee from Him; to fly under the radar and make a mark on the world.  Ecstasy, agony, victory, defeat, mundane and magnificent happenings echo in my own reality as I strive to live this life "worthy of the calling" of belonging to Christ.  Their stories speak to both my humanity and my eternal nature. And so today, again, it is the oldest of stories that has scratched the hard surface of the hidden places of my heart.  

Today I was uncovered as I read the story in Genesis 3 &4 of God rejecting Cain's offering, but accepting his younger brother's.  It said, "Cain got very angry." GOT - ANGRY.  ANGER took possession.  It GOT Cain.  I can relate to emotions going crazy - seemingly taking over my otherwise sane self. There is so much in this world to make me angry.  But he wasn't angry about just any old thing - he was angry about God doing what God chose to do because it wasn't to his advantage.  Sadly, I can relate to that as well.  I have been angry at God for allowing, choosing, maybe even causing certain circumstances n my life that were far from convenient, and at times down right ravaging.

How amazing though; even in our "unrighteous" anger, God wants to be part of what we are going through.  He graciously reached out to guide, correct and warn Cain. God did not turn His back on Cain's emotions.  God told him that blessing was there for him if he would respond the right way, but disaster waited if he refused to change course.

Genesis 4:6 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”

Even in disappointment, there is a right way according to God.  And there is a wrong way.  "But if you refuse to respond correctly, then watch out!" God warned him. "Sin is waiting to attack and destroy you and you must subdue it."

Note to self: Sin is waiting for me...  looking for an opportunity to pounce when emotions lead me to respond the wrong way to my circumstances God allows.  Allows so that I might have victory and subdue them? It is not the circumstance that destroys, but my response to it, God warns. 

Cain didn't listen and sin destroyed - even though God himself spoke truth into Cain's heart with the opportunity to be the victor of sin. Will God do any less for us?  Won't He speak truth into our lives and hearts no matter the circumstance that we will also be warned, also have the opporutnity for victory?  Of course He will.  The real question is will I be like Cain and only listen to my raging emotions, or respond the whispered call of God.

Lord, let me have ears to hear the next time I am disappointed in what you allow, angry with your discipline or frustrated with your plans.  Give me the grace to "respond correctly".

WHAT DID YOU READ TODAY?  OLD, NEW, PSALM OR PROVERB? What spoke to your heart? Share your comment here or at our facebook community, HERE.

And tune in every Sunday night for a live God-conversation at at 7pm CST.  Just click the LISTEN LIVE link on the top of that web page.  

Day 2 of 365
Genesis 3
Genesis 4

Matthew 2:13-23
Matthew 3:1-6
Psalm 2:1-12
Proverbs 1:7-9


  1. Hi Kim
    Well I am at least going to start this plan with you guys and its great to join in with something when sevearl thousand miles apart.
    So I did Matthew Psalms and Proverbs yesterday and today.
    A couple of comments:
    Psalm 1 - Yesterday:
    I love the opening verses of the Psalms. An encouragement to all who will follow Him and His ways with the result that He will bring prosperity to us. Now I have heard this used to justify welth and riches and prosperity almost on a worldly parallel. But for me that is not what it says. Sure wealth may be a way God blesses us but ONLY if we are walking in His paths doing His will and the welath is part of the will. I think it speaks more to richness at a spiritual level and prosperity in seeing Gods Kingdom grow in number and substance.
    Psalm 2 - Today
    Look at what is happening around the world connected with Debt and the issues we find ourselves in in Europe. It says "Why are the nations so angry? Why do they waste their time with futile plans?" It goes on to say that God "scoffs" at those plans and laughs at them. It calls the rulers to act wisely and finally says there is "joy for all who take refuge in Him" - What a wake up call!! Our plans are futile unless they are centered upon Him and aligned with teh plans that he has for us.
    Proverbs 1 vs. 7-9
    Oh wow as parents here is something for us to take note of: "My child, listen when your father corrects you. Don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. 9 What you learn from them will crown you with grace and be a chain of honor around your neck".
    Okay so I know it's written to the "child" - but look again. "WHAT YOU LEARN FROM THEM" - without saying it here we are instructed as parents to be good role models for our children, and I think that includes our daily living as much as it does our spiritual living (although they should be one in the same). We have been blessed with a nurturing role with our children until such time they are old enough to branch out on their own, but within that role is one of teacher, guide, counsellor, confidant, personal advisor, and the providor of unconditional love. WOW!
    God Bless you Kim and all who are taking part in this challenge
    Steve Lane (UK)

  2. From Proverbs, it was good to be reminded that even as a "seasoned" believer, there is always more to learn. God's truth is so deep and extensive, there is continual joy in discovery.


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