DAY 31: A good friend of mine always says, "If there is something you don't like doing, do it with someone you like and you will enjoy it because you're together." I've called on that friend many times to be the "someone I like" to walk alongside me through challenging, difficult and less enjoyable tasks - as well as all the fun things we get to do together. And in all those circumstances I can attest to the truth of her "do it with a friend" philosophy. When you have someone by your side to lean on the journey is always better. Today, I saw two friends in scripture doing just that. For all the times I have read this same passage in Matthew 20, I have NEVER noticed that friends were at the heart of the story. Jesus and His disciples were on the move again. They were leaving the city of Jericho on their way to Jerusalem. As they were leaving the city, a huge crowd followed them. Jesus and the crowd happened to pass by, not one, but...